
Left to right. Modern House Flour Sack Kitchen Towel, Oranges Flour Sack Kitchen Towel, and Shirley Flour Sack Kitchen Towel

Sam from Inklore has some great hand-printed kitchen dish towels in her shop right now. I love the warm colors and simple imagery. Since none of the towels are overly saturated with color, they could be displayed (and used of course) in almost any kitchen, regardless of style. In addition to the Inklore shop, there is also a Inklore blog, which has some great posts that you can check out here.

4 Responses to “Inklore”
  1. Jacqueline says:

    Her work is wonderful!

  2. Inklore’s creativity is astounding!! Love her work!

  3. Inklore has some really cool things!

  4. i really like all that sam is creating at inklore, amazing name, great designs, colourful, bold, fun, absolutely lovely and such an inspiration xxx

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